
The first time those assaults were reported on Jezebel, tons and tons of commenters were downplaying the numbers, they even doubted the victims, insisting they were making it up out of racism. On a feminist (supposedly) website. It was disgusting. So I’m totally not suprised the left is still throwing women under the

Or just air drop them in whatever country they came from. Oh, your life is in danger there? It’s a really bad situation? You should have thought about that before sexually assaulting women and committing crimes. If it’s truly a bad situation, you do what you can to assimilate into your new home and behave yourself.

If they pull shit like this again, I hope they’re stomped to death in real time. Fuck religious fundamentalists of all stripes. You DO NOT get to immigrate to a country then complain that you don’t like how your hosts live. Fuck these assholes.

This scandal is due to the failure of German women to keep these guys “at arm’s length.

yeah but she's probably used to your smell.

I know you have already posted that you have checked with other people, but I just wanted to point out that your wife isn't the most reliable judge. Living with you every day, she is used to your natural body odor, and will be desensitized to it compared to strangers.

I feel like body wash is not enough to wash away all the dirt/dead skin/etc. I mean body wash does smell nice but bar soap just does the trick so well. I take it all the fragances and extra ingredients added to body wash might contribute to some allergic reactions in people.

idk, I've been reading more about skin flora, and how healthy it is to have little critters all over you. I've just been doing pits/junk/ass for a while now, and maybe I scrub my whole body once every few months. I smell fine and I am healthy.

I am actually an attorney who handles water losses and these cases pop up occasionally. Despite sometimes being labeled as flushable it is not a good idea to do so. Even if it doesn't cause a loss in your home it is almost certainly affecting your city's sewer system.

Oh my god I wish americans had less of a bidet stigma.

the wildebeest look is the most liberating thing I've ever done. I simply just....stopped shaving one day. I suppose I'll have to tighten it up eventually, but gads, the amount of freedom associated with just not giving a rip is phenomenal.

Careful with that, I like how my girlfriend smell without deodorant but it is decidedly non-neutral and fragrant. I'd get the opinion of a neutral party.

The very fact she's your wife means your smell is something she finds pleasing. The guy next to you in the elevator? Perhaps not so much. And there are "all natural" deodorants.

You guys see any Axe body spray on this list? No? Well then, STOP FUCKING BATHING YOURSELF IN IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE!

Two tips from my experience:

I think whether or not deodorant is necessary or not can depend heavily on how much you sweat. The body odor that deodorant masks comes from excessive sweat and the fermenting bacteria it produces. If you spend most of your days in air-conditioned buildings, not moving around too much, and shower regularly, then you

While I grew up in a household where we were taught hygeine practices, I really appreciate the spirit in which this article was written. You have concisely, and thoughtfully prepared this in a way that is easy to understand and presents super important stuff like the fact that it is possible to put on too much

This might make me seem disgusting to some, but I don't use soap or shampoo unless I really get dirty, like if I had been working on my car. Haven't in a decade. I have sensitive skin and soaps tend to dry my skin out and give me rashes. I've never had a problem bathing/scrubbing with just water, nor with any

For the past 6 months I've ditched the deodorant. Most days, I don't notice the difference. There have only been two days where I've had to apply and I'm very sensitive about my own smells. I certainly feel better about not putting the chemicals on.