
Sorry its not really funny ,they need better writers . Lots of mis steps with this show the new cast is weak and pretty much forgettable . The son should have been a cop ,and they should have found a better actor for the part . Roz shows up in the last 10 minutes and its the high point of the season . The TV show that

Exactly what I came here to say.

I enjoyed the first Ted movie, and I think Seth Macfarlane is very talented. But I would much MUCH rather have another season of the Orville than this, even if it turns out to be funny. 

This is what we get, instead of more of The Orville? THIS??

Coolest spies ever on TV ....

Now playing

Fusco attributes his redemption arc to his partner, Carter

Such a great show. Still stands up well.

Was very surprised when I first saw the son pic years ago.

If Sulu and Chekov were supposed to be the landing party, then Khan saying, “I don’t know you” was meant for Chekov, and the, “But you, I never forget a face...” would have been for Sulu - and the whole “Botany Bay...Botany Bay...OH NO!” would have been his, too. Which means that Walter Koenig would have had the

Aw, missed opportunity. Boba Fett Bubble Tea.

Apparently they filmed multiple endings and used a real weak one .

Botany Bay?

How about the scene where Chekov meets the Ceti eel?

So the troll can’t argue facts so it throws insults. Well right back at you, has your lifetime of nob bobbin given you any great Insite  into anything?

Never said it is ,but look at the last few Marvel movies, all were green screen .Ant man was 90% . green screen They were green screening Iron man’s armor for years already . Darth Vader’s voice was computer generated in Obi Whan. Ready play one was almost completely a computer film . And it looks like you can chat

Would have been amazing if he finished his speech with “Fuck the Empire!

Talk however is cheap and will do nothing in the scheme of things .

Oh boy ! So now everyone can now watch and see for themselves what terrible writing is like .