
Lifelong Star Wars fan and none of this makes me feel anything. I just don’t care. I think the one-two punch of TLF and TROS really killed any interested I have in Star Wars.

Star GIRL POWER Wars !!!

They took his diner! They took his waitress droid! They took everything from Dexter Jettster!

In addition he became homeless then got addicted to Death sticks and died shortly thereafter. The End.

So after losing the diner in a” fire “

That is a intresting Historical point but really its hardly comparable.

I think you need a re watch .

Should go on forever .

That’s Ortegas’s chair. His days are numbered, for sure. 

AOS was better than this pile of crap and the majority of Disney+ shows....

So he won’t read any reviews ?

He assessed the physical capabilities of the Ambassador (also establishing controlled physical violence as a dimension of their limited social dynamic). He got the knife out of storage. He prepared the knife. He stands in wait before the knife during the period of time the Ambassador is most likely to visit him again

Now playing

Data did not kill anyone however wanting to and doing are different .

But he didn’t it and was not never his intent .

Agents of shield was better than every show marvel has produced since Disney plus came around.

Dr Mumbles Straight up murdered a Diplomat ,lied and got away with it ,this is not Star Trek .


It has absolutely not been said that AoS is not canon. Also it ruled.

And this is the Second best...

Worst episode of SHIELD is better than anything MCU produced since Endgame .