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    It was dumb of them to use a trademarked logo. The stunt would have had the same effect if they'd just use the colors and a similar menu. I mean, McDonalds sues almost every establishment that dares to use "Mc" in their name. "Fair use" doesn't apply to trademarks.

    Stella is a dermatologist, not a plastic surgeon. This was shown several times.

    What was that image, of the two guys? I never saw that before.

    Angel was just so much superior to BtVS, especially the mediocre Seasons 6 & 7. Buffy had some great characters like Willow, Xander, Spike and Giles but Buffy became an insufferable, self-righteous, self-absorbed idiot, not worthy of having a show centered upon her. The secondary characters were always more

    Angel was just so much superior to BtVS, especially the mediocre Seasons 6 & 7. Buffy had some great characters like Willow, Xander, Spike and Giles but Buffy became an insufferable, self-righteous, self-absorbed idiot, not worthy of having a show centered upon her. The secondary characters were always more