
kermit did 9/11

Please. This is more pathetic SJW nonsense. Racing is about testing human excellence, and racing babies is not a test of that. People want to watch the best athletes compete, and the best athletes are fully grown humans. Want proof? Not a single baby plays on an major professional sports team. World track and field

i cannot fully express how fun it has been to make jokes about being inside jane’s vagina while i was editing this

Look what I bought my cat

Your opinion is valid, but it is wrapped in a layer of racism itself. Self-deprecation is a way of owning and defeating a stereotype. Comedy can be - and usually is - our way of dealing with being minorities in a white world. Look at Jon Stewart, 90% of his comedy is self-deprecation. He makes jokes about being

To be fair, if your parents didn’t make you and your siblings all wear that Old Navy flag shirt every goddamn Fourth of July, are you really even American?

So I know everyone can do whatever they desire, but I really don’t enjoy when the mens shave it all off. It alarms the fuck out of me.

I’m with you on all of these except the bonefolder. as a book-making enthusiast, I will vouch for the bonefolder. makes a HUGE difference especially when working with cardstock. and if you’re folding a shit ton of paper (like name cards + programs for 100 people) also, they’re like $2 at michaels.

Even O’Donnell is not claiming that the other technicians weren’t licensed. Where... are you getting that?

Oh what tangled webs we Weaver-Gates.

It’s not meaningless at all. You just don’t remotely understand the purpose of the test or what it’s measuring.


hello i ted cruz, HUMAN MAN, am like you other humans an enjoyer of food. fun i also like, because a good President — good HUMAN president— would be my honor. You like gun yes? I have many.

Latest wrinkle in the NoStar Wars. Click to the side of the star.

Thailand has a long history of accepting “kathoeys” as a third gender. But I think that they’re still judged as “other”. For the purposes of modeling shouldn’t every agency have a roster full of all different “looks”?

eating a salad as a full meal is like eating whispers

wow Anna why is gawker so biased in favor of facts and science and medical research

I’m 95% positive this is Cindy (Adrienne C Moore), not Taystee.

I’m pretty sure that’s actually Adrienne C. Moore in the commercial. She plays Cindy Hayes, the unruly ex-TSA agent and one of Taystee’s crew. She and I share a combined hatred of potato-sack shaped business wear.