“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”
“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”
Well yes exactly. I mean I *thought* it was a burn at the time, and even his cop buddy laughed, but I obviously sounded ridiculous. I guess the story came off as callous or flippant about drunk driving though. That wasn’t my intention, though I can see how it reads like that. It was one of those horrible one time…
An American colleague (relevant) tells this one about himself. He was on a plane in Japan, on final approach to Hiroshima, when he noticed how new the city’s architecture appeared from the window. His Japanese traveling companion replied, “yes, we had a fresh start in 1945.”
1) Stolen from Winston Churchill
You are listing the reasons why you don't want a wedding. A wedding is not necessary for getting married. A marriage license is actually very cheap.
Of course its traumatic for some, although everyone internalizes it differently. What I mean is that having women talk about their experiences makes it more real and takes it out of the shadows. Which is so important. Treating it as shameful is very counter-productive and this PSA is doing a great job in that regard.
A very important reminder that the (future) top doctor in our nation once made me pose with her blow-up doll on top of me. Would go back if covered by Kaiser.
But what race were they? As a server one has to just keep telling oneself, I will not let this job make me racist, I will not let this job make me racist, I will not...
It’s not ok at all. I wasn’t trying to imply that it was.
Can somebody explain to me how Vergara’s schtick isn’t roundly panned as a minstrel show? It’s like Lucille Ball crossed with Speedy Gonzales, but less subtle.
I did mention A-a-ron, at a professional development event for teachers, on teaching phonics. The event leader mentioned in passing, when talking about double vowels, how students do not always understand that they are pronounced as one sound and not two.
Maybe she couldn't afford to pay the ambulance bill. Maybe she was worried the father would find out about the baby if she went to the hospital. Maybe she didn't realize the severity of the crime because she is uneducated. Maybe she doesn't trust the system because of her economic status and/or race. Maybe she just…
the only time I've ever heard the term 'nematodes' was in the Nickolodeon cartoon Doug and I'm sort of delighted that they're real even if they're completely different
not super cool of you to doxx the Jezebel comment section like that.
OK, I understand that. I note that *everybody* comments on bodies, because we all have opinions. While I do understand that women get more compliments when they are skinny, I also note that number of really serious cases attempt to hide their disease via baggy clothing.
because everything is golden when we are together
They your nanny burns it because it's infested with Scarlet Fever germs.