Can’t wait!
Can’t wait!
That’s why dude is flipping out because this is the rawest shit he’s ever seen. Wouldn’t even move the needle most places I’ve been.
Shit ain’t going over any ledge, if perhaps it was an amazing turn out of people somehow being utterly peaceful, and showing that they understand solidarity, maybe...., but no, too much looting, and violence, most the country is not behind this, and cannot ignore that.
I really thought that first photo of him was a really great image.
One of those beer hats will do.
I don’t care if she’s crazy and a thief. I still totally would.
it crashed where the streets have no name
Yeah, my father worked for them for 20+ years. I occasionally got to hitch a ride one of the the jets.
Neutral: no not really
1st Gear: “Who’s really cheating? Probably everyone.” Nods head in agreement...
Nope that's the Baja. Someone being an asshole on the lake? Baja.
I think I'm in love... Would daily drive the fuck out of this thing.
It was worth it, just to learn some slight of hand.
When [Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac] Brock left the scene he backed into a cop car, but he just drove off. Sometimes life is okay.
Actually a Bronco.... /pedantry