Captain Nemo

Ha great place to brag about mood light(s) in my Fusion Sport :) I have a pallete of 7 colors to pick from :) really nice touch of luxury

It will never be(at) a Highlander or Pilot...even an Acura MDX. Competition is tough here and Subaru will be loosing money on these cars. And I was a proud Subaru owner and they are still my favorite car company.

To me it is hard to believe that in week when Assad gets a green light to stay he does something like CW attack. It could be a false flag or it could as well be a rogue airforce general who ordered the attack without Assad and Putin knowing about it. I dont know. Anyway thank you for your service. Cheers.

Have it crossed your mind that this effect could have been done by a barrel bomb as well? If Assad and Putin wanted to use CW they would wipe out few city blocks, not one building. My guess is that they hit the terrorist stockpile which was luckily small....this whole mess reminds of Iraq WMD story...

It is actually the other way around, why would Assad test US? Why would he shoot in his foot? He can kill 50-80 civilians with barrel bomb as well. The rebels started loosing the ground in Idlib and Homs and this was act of desperation. (Disclaimer: I don’t like Assad and whole Middle east can go to hell-from Algeria

Tomahawks are sub-sonic missiles, they can be taken down by high caliber AA artillery...and very easily. One russian Pantsir-S can take down dozen of Tomahawks...

Blah blah, you just wasted time writing this bullshit...

Crap. I hope you at least take care of the cobweb regularly...

Ummm, she dated him?

Get the Ford Fusion Sport - ultimate dadmobile and sleeper :)

yeah but at least get a Mustang convertible :)

Love how Europeans or Americans fuck things up for Aussies (driving on the right side of the two way road)

Far safer to run that yellow. I would run it without thinking.

He is actually telling her “don’t be afraid, they are alive” so it could be a kid actually. (btw I am not Russian but understand some things, don’t ask me how :))

The car driver should have run yellow. He is the one endangering the lives here. I rest my case. 

What? Since when? You gotta be from “down under”. In US it is mandatory to shoot through yellow. It is less risky then slowing down from 55-60MPH as by the time you stop you’ll be in the middle of intersection. This stupid driver should have go through and truck would stop.

Boy I’d like to have a beer with this guy...when I grow up I want to be him.

Cheaped out on his own honeymoon :)

You guys do know what Nuclear Triade means right? ICBM silos are kind of obsolete (due to both sides actually knowing where they are) so Russia has highly mobile ground based nuclear arsenal (trucks and trains) as well as submarines and airplanes...aaaaand all kinds of different delivery methods.

made up story