
Them and six teams named the Roughriders.

Is almost as real as your ridiculous need to whine about it.

I don't see what the big deal is, he didn't even decapitate him.

prettttty much everything you mentioned except for the IVs is in the article (also, my favorite random Jackie Chan movie, Who Am I, featured the coconut IV trick.)

It's her responsibility to get the help she needs. Not that of the guy she has been abusing. You probably wouldn't tell an abused woman that she needs to make sure her husband gets mental help before leaving him. Switching the genders doesn't change anything else. It's safer for him to be away from her. He can

- Not sure what camera issues you had... I didn't have any.

I got a couple of sentences in and had to stop and ask. People liked District 9? You enjoyed rooting against your own species?

Nothing embodies a desire to escape racism like committing to Alabama.

Was anyone else impressed by #45 trucking an entire group of girls like a bowling ball?

Wasn't that the whole premise of avatar? Rooting against the humies

Funny, my NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii-U, Dreamcast, PSX, PS2, PS3 all still work fine. Thanks "always online" consoles, you're the best.

"I don't understand this and the DDOS attacks that happen all the time. Nobody is making a political point or something, just pissing people off. These people have to have some really sad intrinsic motivation."