Often its real guns with futuristic odds and bits glued on, eg. Star Wars blasters are based on british Sterling SMG's.
Often its real guns with futuristic odds and bits glued on, eg. Star Wars blasters are based on british Sterling SMG's.
Reading IMFDB can be a hoot. E.g. for some older movies they'll show one still with some armed dude and note how one little detail on the weapon shows it supposed to be this or that Kalashnikov variant/knockoff, and then show another still and comment how an even smaller detail proves its really this other Kalashnikov…
So many brilliant bonkers theories, especially the ones with Podrick; "The night is dark and full of errors.".
I hope they add some for Margaery. I'm still pissed they killed her off. I would gladly see the last two seasons centered on her slow undermining of the High Sparrows power in the Sparrowganisation.
Winter is…
What are they doing on the cover photo? Simultanously getting a blowjob? Having a really good piss against a wall? Whatever, I salute you AVclub writer for choosing it.
About the movie, I think I saw it. Not quite sure. I remember I saw the sequel, because of the batshit insane invasion of Cuba by a US law enforcement…