
Every time they miss a shipping date, I open up the old chat window and tell them how disappointed I am. Back in the old days, they used to extend my Prime account by a month. These days, they usually offer a $12 credit to my account. Call ‘em out on it!

Thankful for not having Trump derangement I can get through a day without being depressed and enjoy the people who are important in my life.

That’s good news for people like Bezos and Gates, because chances are if you knew how much money they actually have (well, how high their net worth actually is), you probably wouldn’t be too pleased.

We don’t need to debate or even consider those positions because they don’t result in anything positive for society at large.

How about an alternative for google voice?

Oh, you’re just angry that the bomber wasn’t a white guy. Let’s see, I remember a night club in FL too. Any time you want to calm down and do a body count of US people killed by whites PER CAPITA since 9/11, we can talk...otherwise fuck off.

Oh, did you forget the night club in Florida? We can do this all day, but the truth is that there are bad actors out there who are muslim and it’s appropriate to paint them as the bad ones - especially when you look at the body count.

I wasn’t aware they new system had a “race” component...but you’re spot on to talk about how it affects people of all skin colors who are poor...even trailer trash.

Did you forget about 9/11 already? Come back when you want to look at hard numbers...

You’re right, one word: teeth!

especially amongst the American people.

Pshaw...that’s just pepto bismol mouth! Chew up 2 before bed and check out your tongue in the morning.

“Years ago”? Cite it.

When is this site going to come clean about the shadow banning? (asking for a friend)

Don’t know about that - most of the dogs in the shelter near me are listed as pitbull mix....and they certainly have the look and attitude...

My federal tax rate is over 20% - I’m trusting ICE to reunify those their home countries. I’ll use my miles to visit my family in my home country.

As a male, I’m pretty sure they won’t cover it...just like they won’t cover my contraception.

Nacho problem either!

After years of painstaking acoustic measurements, Hempton identified this spot on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula as the quietest place in the U.S.—the spot most free of our man-made noise pollution.

Head west to Cannon Beach and avoid the homeless shooting up on the on-ramps...the thing I remember the most during my last visit out there.