
Mayo - eewww.

Yes, let’s put all those school children on buses to desegregate - it’s going to rob them of time, exercise and expand the carbon footprint of the education system. Great idea!

Simplehumans simply spend more on simple solutions.

Simplehumans simply spend more on simple solutions.

Eero or google for privacy loving people?!? hahaha. Better to go with a Ubiquity system that supposedly doesn’t phone home to the mother ship in the course of normal operation.

A screen protector for an iPhone? Maybe. One for a Samsung Galaxy 8? Not sure it’s going to help with that curved screen...

It sounds like you’re giving a lot of weight to this person’s opinion. I suppose that’s how the liberals hijacked the word “hate” to mean any opinion that differed from their own. I hate legitimizing irregardless.

Or people who are shocked to find out electrocuted means you actually die instead of simply being non-fatally shocked.

None of this matters because while the press is gnashing its teeth over this tax bill the rest of us normal Americans are facing huge increases in health care costs thanks to the ACA. It’s not just the people on the exchanges either - the ripple effect goes to employed people who are dealing with the insurance price

You’ve never heard of anything like that?

I’m pretty sure women can still buy condoms without a prescription...maybe I missed something?

I was thinking all those hillary-supporting hollywood womanizer types were the worst people on earth...but yeah, all trump voters are worse.

A part of moving on from the election is the President. Trump referenced back to his election victories considerably more than past Presidents before him. He attacks the prior President,

I’ve steered clear of the Eero thanks to all of the data collection and sharing they do back to the mother ship. Does Ubiquity do the same or does it let you hang on to your privacy?

I’ve steered clear of the Eero thanks to all of the data collection and sharing they do back to the mother ship.

The only problem with morning sex is that the rest of the day is downhill...(anticlimactic?)

which is a perfectly acceptable and efficient solution

Optimization? I’d call a row of urinals in a MEN’s room much more efficient than waiting for a couple of single-shit rooms which is where this politically correct movement is pushing us to. Soon Yelp will need to post locations of urinals so a guy can find a place where he won’t have to wait in line to take a piss.

And some shady bartenders don’t report their tips to the IRS. Not at all legal but it’s happening less and less as we move to a cashless society.

Red Robin - all you can eat fries. They’ll keep bringing them until you need medical assistance. Seems fair to include that one if Steaky Shakey is in the running.

“What do you expect from a culture and a nation that exerted more of its
national will fighting against Disney World and Big Macs than the Nazis?”
—Dennis Miller.

“You told your mama I’d get you home
But you didn’t say I got no car” -LedZep