
Kickstarter has been able to dodge the bullet for a while, but Washington state is starting to crack down on campaigns that don’t deliver.

Until the NY AG gets involved and all of the prostitution ads get whacked from Craigslist....Then your conduit will get cold, but you won’t have a baby as a result of your purchase.

But, what about climate change? - these dense forests are a wonderful carbon sequestration sanctuary. Letting them burn is like raising the sea level a few micrometers - we should do everything we can to stop it!!!

Lemme get this straight - the progressives pushed and got $15/hr min wage and rent control for SF....and people are still bitching that $18/hr isn’t enough? Let’s roll this out everywhere and lift everyone out of poverty now that we know it works!

Was going to point out that we shouldn’t be trusting Chinese engineering - thanks for calling out Japan or France as better choices.

Any word on how much data the device skims and sends back to Google?

Does this mean that one would be able to use Apple Tv to stream files (supported by VLC) located on a NAS some place on the home network? It would be nice to replace that old MVIX box in the basement....

This thing was pointed straight up - it probably caused the plane to crash....

If you’re thinking about a full blown Yellowstone event, then just put that in the same category as “huge meteor impact anywhere on Earth” because it will be a shitty aftermath regardless of where you live.

Ammo + booze + antibiotics....s’all you need to get the rest of what you need.

Yup, just crazy terrorists flying airplanes into buildings. Naw, I’m thinking the Dakotas are where it’s at if you’re talking “no unexpected disasters”.

From everything you say, I think my wife would win the Ididerot next year...I’ll get her to sign up.

I’m confused - Stuart says

This SOS technique is great for telling engaging stories, thanks for sharing. In interviewing environments, I’ve subscribed to the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique since it puts a little more focus on what you did to resolve the problem. It also allows that a result may not be a good “solution” for

Unlike a socialist leaning Federal government, it’s easy to opt-out of HOAs - just don’t buy a house in an community with an HOA.

Great, I learned that I can secure my hotel safe with a torx wrench, a straight pin and a small tube of crazy glue - “hack” or “pick” averted. Thanks!

Unless said-credit card number was purchased...on the dark web.

Easy for them to do - they could send political dissidents there on a one-way trip. Cuts down on that pesky return flight mass requirement.