
It’s a dog.

He’s really struggling to be funny. It’s starting to get sad though - I’d like to think that liberals are starting to wake up to the manipulation that has been controlling them, but the constant propaganda and the dumbing down of the education system does little to alleviate my concern. On top of this, because of your

He’s really struggling to be funny. It’s starting to get sad though - I’d like to think that liberals are starting to wake up to the manipulation that has been controlling them, but the constant propaganda and the dumbing down of the education system does little to alleviate my concern. On top of this, because of your

He’s really struggling to be funny.

He’s really struggling to be funny.

Classy lady - I guess you can’t give mom a shout out after that.

I think you’re ignoring the gravity of the situation.

Society is literally crumbling before our eyes. What a valuable insight. One step closer to Idiocracy.

But it’s just a flag... that was probably made in China with all kinds of toxic dyes and plastic oil residue. Why even scrutinize this?

Even if he was the victim of some honeypot scheme, at this point it’s his fault. Pro athletes take seminars on this stuff and are warned and educated extensively about celebrity and fortune and the pitfalls of both.

Why do liberals always do the same two childish things with their posts?

You can’t win with the liberal media. In reality if either of them openly endorsed Trump, your story would be ‘crooked boxing promoter endorses Trump along with football playing rapist’ or something to that effect.

“The enemy is the inner me.”

I wonder if he’s on his way to pedophile island again, and that’s why he’s so giddy...

Ha. It’s funny when liberalism starts to eat it’s own tail.

Yeah, White is such a loser. He turned the UFC from a $1 million side show into a $2+ billion multi-national conglomerate.

Sharia much? People like you that convict people from your keyboards without any knowledge or evidence are the real problem. And who is ‘apologizing’ for him? Rational people wait for evidence and the process to take place. Irrational, child-minded, sharia-style SJW’s seem to want there to be a story of violence. To

You rely on gossip rags that famously lie until they are sued into retractions for proof of your allegations against Depp. How do you not see the hypocrisy in that?

That was a spot-on analysis.

I totally noticed the fake laugh track too.