
You normally get a prize for that kinda time? Because Bofa Deez Nuts finished in just over 20 seconds last week and didn’t get anything but shame and an Uber.

We do our best to just treat them like we would any other publisher. Any time I’m going to run a report like this, I’ll always ask the relevant parties for comment. Sure, Bethesda hasn’t responded in nearly five years, but that doesn’t mean we’re gonna stop asking. Let the onus be on them.

The US side of the falls is already kind of post-apocalyptic, so that’s a good start.

I do really enjoy that he plays for a team that featured, when I was a kid, another fish-named star player.

This was a smart play too because baby Dva is such a squishy target that most people think of her as a free kill, so pocket healing her while she’s focused lets everyone take down the rest of the opposing team.

Getting Gold for damage with Moira means either a GOOD Moira player, or a team with under-performing DPS players. Perhaps both. I play a lot of Moira, and I often get votes post-match, but not when I get a POTG. It seems to sour people.

Preach! I landed 5 golds as Moira and PotG (maybe there is anti-scottish hate?) and ended up getting no commendations.

Yeah, judging people in blog comment sections is much better.

If only it was found anywhere even remotely close to NYC

He’s not a troll; he’s a hero for saving those fans from being mugged by Zack Hample in the parking lot later.

This is good. I really like the expansion. Haven’t had time to play more than a handful of games. But what I did find was amazing. I found the era points kinda hard to come by at times and was the only person not in dark ages at one point (not in Golden, either). Looking at some of these (Aerodrome), it fits right

And Wade Boggs!

“In my day, we fucked off with beer and chicken, not this pussy ass millennial video game shit”

Not sure who made this map, but there are literally millions of colors to choose from, so why would we choose 4 shades of green (including some incredibly close shades) for every single category?

I put the old bar sliver on top of a new bar (while both are wet) because they then meld together. Then it’s all good.

It’s almost as if we have always lived in a patriarchal power structure where (mostly rich, white) males hold power at every level of government and court and are incentivized either consciously or subconsciously to maintain and exploit their power.

You’re just awful. “Plenty of women” my ass.

chicken in red wine is literally like Julia Child’s signature recipe, what are you talking about

“See guys? Not so easy keeping two sets of books,” -Bernie Madoff.