
PSA to the fucking trolls in the comments.

We don’t have Amendments in Canada.

Canada has very different laws than the US.


This happened in Canada, where there is no real legal equivalent to the 5th amendment.

Yeah, this is Canada. We don’t have those.

Probably, but one thing is that Cosby has about 10 times as many people accusing him of assault. Something has to stick. At the very least both of these men's careers are DONE.

Yeah! This - quoting the Guardian on North American news - has been happening a lot lately. Quoting the BBC for international stories has been routine for years - since they maintain to many foreign correspondents abroad - but this Guardian thing feels pretty new and weird.

I disagree that an abuse victim will not commit perjury. My sister was beaten by her boyfriend. She called me for help and I took her and her infant son to the police station. While there, she denied being beaten to the police, while standing there covered with bruises and swelling on her face. I BEGGED the police to

Of course she did. The entire thing has been one giant victim shaming bonanza.

It should be illegal for ANYONE accused of ANY crime to not be put on the stand. Fuck, this is disgusting!

Ugh...I don’t think this is going to end well...

On a side note: why do you always quote the Guardian for this story? The CBC/Globe&Mail/T.Star not provide enough on-the-ground coverage for you?

Well, he deserved his misery then. If Tylenol, caffeine, and antihistamine are a “woman” thing, then I hope you all pressured the shit out of him to never consume any of those for fear of sprouting breasts.

My personal opinion is that consumption-style taxes should only be applied to things that people *choose* to buy. So I'd prefer to see all those items you listed untaxed and make up the difference by increasing income taxes for higher earners. They try and claim it's for simplicity and that's bogus. They are worried

There’s such an interesting tension there. Like, absolutely he doesn’t count as an openly gay character. And reading queerness onto ambiguous gender identity doesn’t do us any favors in trying to distinguish gender/sexuality in mainstream culture.

Show them what tampon austerity looks like on their brand new white couch, and maybe they’ll start pulling a few strings to get this tax lifted.

I’ve seen it. She is barely in it, doesn’t have to do anything out of the normal range for her. I think she is pretty wooden in almost everything.

Well she went from him to fucking Sean Penn, so not sure that was such a loss for him.

I personally feel that Kanye’s a dipshit and a kind of dumb dipshit at that.

Ok. So Kayne is a musical genius some say.