
Baby Clydesdale!! Who will only grow up to pull beer trucks? Beer sleighs?

Too late.

You’ve seen her in stuff (apparently 2 1/2 men and The Practice most recently) but she’s an elegant older woman that’s been in a bunch of movies and plays.

Sarah Paulson is a goddess. You might know her from American Horror Story. I developed a deep crush on her while she was on Deadwood.

(Can’t believe I’m saying this) If you click through the link, he actually doesn’t seem that bad in this story. Turns out it was when she was a runner on a set in Kenya in 2005; it sounds like he asked politely for space when she started asking too many questions.

this was very distressing to me because he is a wonderful rainbow present of a human and clicked through and it isn’t really as bad as it seems

That’s just because Kylie hasn’t gotten the butt injections yet. Once she gets those, her transformation into Kim will be complete.

I hate him.

How do they not understand the manifold reasons women take birth control above and beyond avoiding pregnancy? (WHICH IS ALSO TOTALLY REASONABLE?!?) I realized the other day how many reasons there are to need hormonal birth control when I longed to be on Implanon again because it made my periods regular. I got off of

We call it a War on Women precisely because assholes like you think forcing a woman to make a man wear birth control is preferable to giving her control over her own body after private consultation with her doctor.

Of course, he’s a guy who thinks we should protect our country by forcing other countries to wear our

from gawker’s converage (why are there constantly duplicate articles?)

‘Ah, ha! Condom police. I’m gonna make up a completely made up threat and try to scare a bunch of folks into thinking someone’s going to steal their birth control,’

Ted Cruz reminding you that the GOP is stuck in the past with “vending machine” talk. Jeepers Cruz.

This comment is wild. No long-term-viable weight management strategy involves not being allowed to have gravy on Thanksgiving. The bizarre idea that weight-loss necessarily involves restricting to the point of “4 oz of turkey and a little corn” actually fuels a lot of health issues in the US.

I remember that. They’ve both posted pictures before about rough scratchy sex. If they had that kind of sex regularly than he should have known way ahead of time what her limits were.

Maybe you should be a little more understanding. Weight watchers allows you to eat the foods you like but in moderation. If you budgeted the points for pumpkin pie, then there’s nothing wrong with it. But without the app working, it would be much more difficult to keep track of it which is why people were upset. You

WW totally let's you eat the pie, but makes you accountable for serving size. If you plan for it, you can have anything you want.

You know, with all the changes and consolidations and etc. around here, maybe it’s time for a Kardashian subblog? That 90% of us can ignore? And the people who WANT to read about them can get their fix all conveniently in one location? (500-days-of-I-don’t-get-this-joke can go there too, please.)

Worry not. Plenty of these are still available:

I'm a meat eater. My grandparents are beef ranchers. Free range, grass fed, humanely slaughtered beef, primarily 'cause their operation is way too small to have the horrible conditions of factory farms, my uncles are too lazy to go around feeding or injecting antibiotics into the whole herd, and the folks who run the