
You guys have a hardon for hating Jamil. 

Oh yeah. Lords was a victim who was lucky enough to escape alive. The fact that almost 40 years later society still wants to hang a “little slut who fooled us” sign on her says volumes.

Kobe Bryant was a rapist that didn’t give a shit about women until he had daughters.

yes. kind of strange this all happened after the luxe, televised wedding and huge mansion renovations paid for by taxpayers...

And, after all that money they put into renovating Frogmore Cottage. I hope Prince George likes his new weekend estate.

Fuck you and your ‘baby boomer’ shit you self-entitled shit. Being an asshole is ageless, as you just proved with your brain vomit post.

Can you please not spread bourgeois propaganda? Is this the new direction your private equity overlords want you to go? Do you have any idea how expensive it is for workers to live in California? And Sacramento isn’t one of the expensive coastal blue counties of California, it’s one of the central valley red counties,

Why should I care if the police can access my Ring? I’m not doing anything illegal.

I am seriously taken aback by all the comments that minimize the alarm that we should all feel as a result of these serious encroachments on our privacy. By way of background not only am I am a prosecutor, but I’ve also recently had an iPhone (along with about $15 worth of change) stolen from my car, which was parked

The depressing part is more than half of ‘em are living, breathing ones ...

Work that pelvis.

Edward was a Nazi who planned to be a Nazi king with his disgusting fright wig of a shitheap “Queen” by his side. Phillip comes from a whole flock of Nazis. Sweeping shit under the rug is a fucking Olympic level sport for these asshats. Also Andrew has always been exactly this kind of gross. Obviously the Firm will co

Huh? What risk are activists asking the unprivileged to shoulder by pushing for truly left-wing policy (such as universal single-payer healthcare)?

MLIS holder, too!

There are TONS of things studied at the college level. Not all of those topics are appropriate for whole-university read.

Brooke Nelson has internalized misogyny to the extent that she can see nothing of worth in books beloved by “teen girls” but is presumably impressed with the merits of a book centered around video game culture that is beloved by teenage boys

I hate the “dont like a specific woman or her work then youre a sexist" bullshit. Its the cheapest way to try and derail critiques. 

We just rewatched Scream 2 for Hallowe’en and it really holds up. It has just the right amount of callbacks to the original and returning characters, while also doing its own thing. Scream 3 is trash and Scream 4 isn’t much better, but if they can get Neve Campbell back they should do the Halloween 2018 thing and