
Brits have told me that royals are strongly discouraged about wearing black unless its for a funeral or remembrance day.

I’m looking forward to seeing this very soon.

I thought it was just the angle or something. I found other photos and they are indeed freaky small

Why did “clapback” become a thing? Planning one is shitty if the “lash out” can be chalked up to extreme grief. Middle aged adults going back and forth isnt a good look.

This has crossed my mind because any molester Ive heard of has multiple victims. Real life molesters. Ive read they can have very specific or very broad victim types. Maybe Dylan was that very specific victim or maybe the lack of criminal proceedings discouraged others from coming forward. With #metoo id imagine any

If people doubt Dylans allegations then they should take their beef to Mia instead. Its bullshit to accuse her of launching a smear campaign against Woody. She truly believes she was molested even if someone else doesnt. IF she was coached (thats a big if too) then the abuse was at Mias hands. So take the negative

Bundy is generally considered intelligent too. And Gacy.

Even if she did “want it” and voluntarily downed drugs and alcohol while knowing what they were and gave verbal and non-verbal cues to Polanski SHE WAS STILL 13 and Polanski was in his 40s I believe. It is insanely manipulative, creepy, and dangerous to say a kid at that age can make an informed decision to consume

He’s STILL making digs at her? I *sorta* understood him doing that right after they broke up. Don’t get me wrong, it was shitty but at least the break up and feelings were still reasonably fresh. Also he was in his early 20s and many people don’t act the best after break ups at that age even if they weren’t saints

I agree. He would have gotten shit no matter what he did. The problem is that his performance does nothing to combat it.

 This is the risk you take when you decide to fly out to see a concert. Health issues arise with tours anyway. Hers are arguably more serious and they should have kept her health concerns in mind after the first cancellation and have some consideration.

I don’t mind work and I don’t think anyone who works in a distribution warehouse of such a massive company expects it to be a cake walk. If they do then they’re clearly in for a rude awakening. Reasonable breaks aren’t an absurd thing to give workers though. People shouldn’t be forced to come into work when they’re

One article said it was near a little league field.

Almost 10 years ago a guy Ive known almost my entire life shot his ex and her new boyfriend in front of their kids then himself shortly after. Even now its such a horrifically bizarre thing to wrap my head around. I even talked to him the night before and didnt pick up anything unusual. The feeling of not knowing what

Arent there supposed to be guardians with under aged workers?

If someone buys the brainwashing theory then all of that goes without saying.

He’d have to buy into the brainwash theory if hes so adamant the abuse didn’t happen. Either way, hes attacking a woman who was abused. A vile piece of shit

How entirely not surprising. Hes a dick no matter what. Even if people doubt the abuse happened they need to be more considerate and respectful of Dylan. Itd be stupid to expect that much decency from Baldwin though.

Yes, the end of the movie was him talking to his attorney who he called the night before confessing all of his crimes. The lawyer said he had dinner with Jared Leto’s character (forgetting his name) and kept calling Patrick by another name while saying Patrick is a loser. I think I’m remembering that right. Oh and the

I haven’t read that book in ages. The scene I remember most vividly is that grotesque shit with the mouse and carrying a decapitated head around. Really nothing else going for it.