When I had a diaphragm, I could NOT for the life of me get that thing in without flinging it across the room. So my BF at the time would always put it in and take it out for me. Is the diva cup anything like a diaphragm?
When I had a diaphragm, I could NOT for the life of me get that thing in without flinging it across the room. So my BF at the time would always put it in and take it out for me. Is the diva cup anything like a diaphragm?
Oh my god, I almost made that very point to my dad today! He's always saying some variation of "I'm a free American! You can't tell me what I can and can't say!"
I also try to avoid including my tattoo in pics as well, for further plausible deniability.
Specifically, copyright infringement.
Oh, I know what you mean! I took a few photos for my ex-fiancé when I was 20, but it turned out my camera was broken and I got a bunch of blurry prints back when I had the film (OMG olds!) developed. God how I wish I had those photos now!
I thought the pun was on "nip," not "bud." Sure, maybe we've all read one too many Shrayber stories, but there's no reason to think she's been similarly afflicted. So I still don't get the point of your condescension.
Wait, Abigail Breslin? Come on, she's just a kid; back off, man!
The wedding "only included family and friends"? I don't understand, who else would have been there?
Thanks for the info!
I agree with your entire second paragraph (I have no knowledge or opinion of Gwen's child-hair practices.) So I'm going to go out on a limb and say I wish Beyoncé were as kind to her own hair as she is to her daughter's. I bet she'd look absolutely gorgeous with natural hair; I loved it when she cut it short a few…
Wait, I've never heard this thing about fingernails; can you please explain? I do know that different races tend to have differently shaped hairlines (I learned this when Jon got hair plugs on Jon and Kate + 8!), but I know nothing about nail bed tendencies...
I love Lufthansa! Was your plane yellow? Mine are most often yellow, and I find it so cheery. This current trip, I'm flying Delta/Alitalia, and I have to say I was surprised how comfy it was.
I usually fall asleep during take-off (something about the jet fuel fumes, I think), before you're even allowed to recline, so it's rarely an issue for me. But if I do recline, it's only if I have an empty seat or a small child behind me. I just don't understand those people who slam the seat all the way back the…
Dr. Lenny Kravitz, Ph.D in FUNK (and cellulite). Odd combination.
Abraham Lincoln fan fic — go!
I don't know... I've always wondered about Jefferson and Adams. Compatriots, then bitter enemies, then friends? Dying on the same day? One invoked on the other's deathbed? Romantic!
I love your name!
I just like how he leans. He leans great.
I'm just here for the Drake. Not enough; kind of disappointed.