no. it’s also a junior lightweight that hasn’t lived up to expectations
no. it’s also a junior lightweight that hasn’t lived up to expectations
“Wait, we can just coach our teammates and not use a coach? Why didn’t I think of that?”
It’s a bit hypocritical of Kerr to criticize Trump and then blatantly copy his leadership style.
(Crosses Fingers) Please can Dickie V. Please can Dickie V. Please can Dickie V. And Coachman.
The device Evans spent three years laboring to invent is a $400 WiFi-enabled tabletop machine that squeezes juice ... out of a bag of Juicero-brand juice. It squeezes bags of juice. It is a juice press that squeezes the juice ... out of bags of juice. Bags ... with built-in spouts ... that are filled with juice. Juice…
Get McNutty on it ASAP!
Awesome. Now we just need 10 more.
Whichever media company sees fit to greenlight Steve Smith: Shit Talking Around the World will make a fucking mint.
I can’t think of any reason why Smith shouldn’t just go on Mike & Mike every Monday to talk shit about whoever was covering him the day before.
Somewhere Bill Belichick just became urgently aroused, and he doesn’t know why.
I hope he’s the real deal, sometimes US fans make much adu about nothing.
Yeah, I feel horrible for them and I’m a Raiders fan.
Holy shit man, the reader responses are really, really sad.
The Venn Diagram of Cowboys fans & Trump Supporters is the same damn circle drawn twice on top of each other.
Bell is learning the hard way that when you put on that Pittsburgh Steelers uniform, they expect you to bee where you’re supposed to bee.
Call me salty, but it's well deserved for their shitty fan base.
At this rate, Messi will score as many goals at the Euros as Ronaldo.