Murderous, useless piece of shit cow. How do you sleep? (Not you Stassa, obvy).
Murderous, useless piece of shit cow. How do you sleep? (Not you Stassa, obvy).
If she understood simple math, she wouldn’t have ruined HP.
Can we revoke her
womanhuman card?
I’m so sick of her “selling baby parts” meme. So yes, RedWriter, let’s say it right out: please sell those parts!
I don’t know if I want to throw up or roll around the floor laughing at such obvious bullshit.
“Every single person who contributed to the vilification of PP in recent months has blood on their hands. But that’s a scary thought - better to blame the “liberal media”, as per usual. The party of Personal Responsibility strikes again”
How left wing of you to notice.
Carly, you virulent twit, did it ever occur to you that the violent rhetoric and lies you spew might spur some hateful bigot to violence? The anti-choice movement should be classified as a terrorist organization, as they literally have bounties on the heads of women’s health care providers.
And a messenger.
From Carly Fiorina’s Facebook page:
I don’t think she knows the meaning of “vast majority”. Usually that means almost all, Carly. Not less than half. Just FYI.
A protestor, and a ‘messenger’.... which sounds like a big ol’ toot on the Come Save Me Christian Wingnuts dog-whistle.
On a similarly hyperbolic note - comments like these (knowingly false and self-serving) from people like this (fired, unsuccessful, thirsty CEO-types) make it clear why the world would be a better place if these Gordon Gekko wannabes would spontaneously combust the next time they told an opportunistic lie.
Is she calling this murdering shitbag a PROTESTER?? What the fuck even?
“The vast majority of Americans believe what Planned Parenthood is doing is wrong.”
Which is it, then, Carly? Was the murderer a “pro-life [oh, the irony] protester” who killed in the name of his twisted ideology and was undoubtedly influenced by the right’s demonization of Planned Parenthood, or were the killings unrelated to the vitriolic rhetoric you and your ilk have been spouting? One or the…
“The vast majority of Americans agree what Planned Parenthood is doing is wrong.”
“demonizing a messenger because they don’t agree with the message.”
Oh, like how CMP recorded and edited private conversations among abortion providers to demonize how they talk about totally safe and legal procedures?
Or is she saying that we shouldn’t “demonize a messenger” that murdered 3 people? Not sure about…