
Oh I get it now, you’re trolling. ugh.

Ha! Hijab and covered arms and legs do nothing to stop it. The dudes that do it are going to do it no matter what.

I think you mean clique, as opposed to click.

I don’t know where the author is, but in the South it’s pretty common. People get engaged, married, and buy houses fast....


Also WTF are the “right attitudes about David Foster Wallace?” apparently the white upper middle class half of me is neither white or upper middle class enough to grasp what he means by this.

....and somewhere a 13th century mystic just face-palmed.

So they got married in Morocco but didn’t post a single picture involving any of the incredible architecture in Marrakesh? These pictures could have been taken in Palm Springs. Meh. As a Moroccan this makes me cranky.

I would but it’s like blasting in an echo chamber. I usually volunteer at times like this but I’m preggo so don’t have the stamina to go door to door.

Agreed. John Lewis is super-respected in the Atlanta area period. I’m voting in this election and his endorsement was a trigger for me to take a closer look at Ossof (I knew the seat was up for grabs, am a life-long dem, but hadn’t have time to research the candidates much).

My best friend is Indian. Her name is Lisa. Mixed people also regularly have what can be described as stereotypically “white” names. What names, pray tell are “appropriate” for ones ethnic heritage?

I think the issue here is that doctors frequently do things to speed up labor without express consent. This includes breaking someone’s water, and sweeping the membranes. Usually both process involve digital insertion and are painful. In many cases they are not medically necessary procedures. I wasn’t aware of any

He’s Muslim. He’s a Palestinian Arab.

It’s the greater Atlanta area. Outside of Atlanta I would expect to see this swept under the rug.

Well have you asked yourself “if you have worked as hard as possible, studied extensively, and made yourself invaluable.” WWMK do? Amirite. Good God that woman is insufferable. I went to Northwestern—and got an earful from friends in Medill (journalism school) about how incredibly hard the tv broadcasting rat race

“Mika Brezinscum,” totally made my day. Thank you for that delightful addition the lexicon I’ll use while hate-watching Morning Joe.

When you put it that way I understand the critique better....

Ahh to be blonde, wealthy, white and on television.

Yes so very much this.

“...Remember: I practiced employment law.” SMH. Apparently she forgot.