
That was physically painful.

Can I say what we're all thinking here? Poor Hizdahr :(

Me too! For a very brief moment I though he was about to say "Glad to see me, nephew?" or something extremely cheesy like that.

Wow. Just…wow.

Where the fuck was Kasper?

Most universal except for 'I fucking hate grumpkins and snarks'.

Did anyone else think when the Night's King held his arms aloft like that like that he was saying 'come at me bro', before the dead starting rising? Holy shit, what an amazing sequence.

So happy to be watching a show that allows me to listen to "Suth Efrican" accents on a regular basis. My absolute dream for this show is for Philip to pretend to be an MI6 officer so Matthew Rhys can use his actual Welsh accent for the show.