
This was it! I was seven when she got it but I knew, even then, it was extremely cool!

My mom is a certified car nut. She rode a Yamaha 350 in college.

They’ll diversify into mobility scooters.

Who knew that this kind of protectionist measures would have unwanted consequences ?

Ballaban 1, Raph 0.

The launch was a perfect symbol of my two simultaneous feelings towards Musk:

Mike wins this one. Space wings wings?!

But wait, there’s more!

It’s kind of dishonest to say things “taste” the same when they smell different, because taste and smell are inextricably interlinked. Taste is basically just what combination of salty/sweet/bitter/sour (and umami if you believe in that) a food has. Yeah, it’s possible all Skittles “taste” the same by that criteria,

Ford should concentrate
Communicating with
Us customers they’ve been
Silent with regarding some of their

Really expensive hot hatches which
Suck coolant and blow headgaskets.

You know, get one product right before rushing out anymore.... sales might not do so well if the new would-be buyers happen to google Ford


Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is a good example of “frezzed”

My take as an enthusiast of fancy headphones and as a professional acoustician:

white noise sounds like rain, brown noise sounds like the ocean, pink noise sounds like wind. that is the best way i can describe it...

This IS a thing in musical instruments made of wood. The sound will get "sweeter" (subjuctive, yes) over time. The vibrations on the soundboard work harden the wood, the qualities change. The wood also changes over long periods of time due to oxidation and the mentioned work-hardening. This is pretty well known among

There's a lot of snake oil out there, but quality headphones from a respected manufacturer will sound miles better than the cheap stuff.

>I think my perception of time itself is fundamentally screwed

I used to work in digital video, including a heavy focus on HDMI. With the digital formats, HDMI and DisplayPort in particular, if the eye diagram at the receiver is open even a little, you will still get a 100% faithful reproduction of the intended images. And this is possible with even the worst made HDMI cables.