
I had gotten tired of having to keep an eye on my privacy settings and was starting to worry about the issue of breaches and attacks, so after not using FB for at least 6 months, I went back in to delete my profile. Strangely enough, it was gone, and they apparently have no record of my account anywhere. I was a

Yeah! I stuck with MySpace.

I would genuinely like to see how you get on. Good luck, and I hope you have fun.

I remember when Lifehacker updated their Facebook privacy how-to just about monthly because FB used to change your privacy settings by default whenever they added a new feature.

Never say never, and don't always say tomorrow. You might find something you love. Or you might hate it but at least you know... and all you've lost is some recyclables and craft supplies :)

One of my all time favs goes, unsurprisingly, to The Simpsons:
“Come on Homer, you enjoy Japanese culture. You liked Rashomon.”
“That’s not the way I remember it.”

It’s not complicated—you can explain the joke in about five seconds to someone who hasn’t seen the movie—but if you have, it’s just instantly hilarious.

start simple and make your way up.

So do it. No one starts with the talent, and huge selection of expensive tools and materials after all.

And those people would be wrong. A healthy habit would be to eat a good mixture of foods, heavy on the vegetables, light on sugars, and get regular exercise. Counting calories means little - if one eats 3000 calories a day of good quality food with very little sugar, they are likely to be much better off than someone

I agree. My mom and grandmother made me go to the meetings when I was a freshman in high school, and it was extremely humiliating to be weighed publicly every week (for some reason by a creepy old guy who looked like Filch). What makes the whole thing even worse is that there was literally no follow-ups to the meetings

Dude what?  Yes childhood obesity is a problem but the solution is not to have 9-yr-olds logging their meals into My Fitness Pal.  

I think tracking calories as a child is sad. Children should be aware of what a healthy meal looks like, but they shouldn’t have that level of obsessiveness about it.

Just reading along until this:

It is well shot, with the caveat that it features camera work, effects, and framing that is intended to mimic the 80s slasher movies it is honoring.

There are few things I find more disturbing than “before” pictures of people with eating disorders repurposed as “after” pictures for weight loss schemes (and “after” pictures depicting healthy and necessary weight gain reframed as unappealing “before” photos).

I agree, that stuff from the first couple of casts might have been amusing to stoned or coked out people in the 70s

Feinstein deserves praise for her service to the nation. she was the one to find Milk dead and her rise to the Senate is a great and empowering story.

Like at all.

No, you did not read it right. 

Actually, I did mention the toilets, even though I couldn't find out much info about them: