
That’s disgusting. Seriously, wash your feet. They are cesspools of bacteria, and no, “gravity” bringing the soap water down isn’t enough. That’s how things like Athlete’s Foot and other foot and toenail infections spread.

I’ve been through something like this and it’s awful. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. No one can tell you what to do, but I will plead with you to listen to yourself and what you’re feeling. If something seems wrong, it more than likely is. We ended up in counseling and are still together, but if I had paid

More than ANYTHING, I’d need to have a really clear talk with my husband about the need for him to not dismiss and invalidate my upset feelings. That was really uncool and unfunny, and he really read your needs wrong on that one. You were upset and needed to feel safe and like he had your back, not further objectified

Hey, friends! Join me in the Not Wrestling Over the Gendered Language section. Alexis was fantastic and great and was loved by many. Instead of being self-appointed pronoun monitors, let’s love on Alexis’ memory and realize some people will have it right and some people will have it wrong. AIDS sucks, brain tumors

Re-title this “Jezebel Loves Gene” for all the 1980s cool kid points.

Fingers crossed TCM changes their schedule this weekend and does a Gene Wilder marathon. Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Silver Streak, Stir Crazy, The Producers, Willy Wonka....

Genuine question, do you think that boys can be both raised to respect all women and be raised on porn at the same time?

Rape jokes can absolutely be funny — and they can be pretty damned feminist, as well, as this article illustrates so neatly.

Can we stop using “pussy” as a word to mean weak though? My vagina has birthed three god damn kids.

“Thought she was being overdramatic”.

I always reassure myself by thinking “No one is even paying attention to you. No one cares what you look like.” Then I see something like this.

I’m right there with you. I am trying so hard to get myself fit and healthy before I hit the big 5-0. Going to the community rec center has been a challenge as it is. The idea that someone might be judging me, mocking me, as I work out or shower after is making me want to never put myself out there again.

On Monday I will be 53. I have an appointment for a goal-setting fitness regime with an incredibly hot and ripped instructor. I make that lady in the photo look like an Olympic diving champion. I’m going anyway. I fucking don’t care anymore. I want to get healthy. Please keep living your life like a diving champion.

This woman just kept A LOT of women who were insecure about their bodies from setting foot in a gym. She has been valued for her looks for so long, she probably has no idea that she made real someone’s worst nightmare. Exercising in public when you have body image issues is hard enough. Thanks for making it so much

This has impacted me way more than I thought it would. I already felt self concious in the locker room and in life and now it just confirms my greatest fear. I like kind of had a melt down when I was getting dressed this morning based on this (and just a shitty self esteem week in general). Mockery of people's looks

Suck it, whiny MRA manchildren.