
I thought that was fake Bill Gates from the apple ads.

tl;dr: we’re fucked but half of us knew that.

Organic farming uses a LOT of pesticides. In fact, more, because they aren’t as effective. Also, pesticides cost money so no farmer “bathes” anything in them or they would go out of business very quickly.

I agree. I look at all these “raw vegan” diets and think nooooo what are you doing humans are meant to cook food to obtain all our nutrients! Literally! Like there’s no evidence that we can survive long term without cooked food!

Lord... I follow a Yoga group on FB near my area and just last week they posted a meme with photos o nature and pills “This is an antidepressant” (the forest) “This is just shit” (the meds).

I literally can’t even finish reading this article because it makes me so mad. These fucking idiots (suggesting a girl could have lived if she ate raw vegan instead of going through chemo?!) make me so mad, and make me ashamed to be vegetarian-bordering-on-vegan. It’s so annoying being part of a community whose

Take it easy, Donald.

Oh god. I wish I could pretend I haven’t encountered Americans just like this far too often.

Shattered my foot last year. Had major surgery within a couple days (would’ve been next day but it was inconvenient for me). Free, free, free.

The housing market is delightful! 1000$/month rent for a two-bedroom downtown. <3 <3 <3 The influx of French immigrants has brought amazing pastries, or so Nancy tells me. Those gussied up reindeer tamers cured my friend’s cancer for free last year. I was under the impression that they used chemo, but if they did use

Oh no, you think there are only two cities in Canada? The two cities that have an inflated housing market?

“The difference is I get AMERICAN doctors”

If you’re going to be mad about something, don’t forget that we burned down the White House the last you tried to invade our fucking country. Don’t mess with Canada.

Damn. I heard there was a meth problem in the States but I hadn’t seen it first hand until now.

Nurses are the best! I always thank them for their good care. And the last time I was an in-patient, I went back after and left a big bag of thank-you candy at the nursing station.

Doctors can breeze in wearing their white lab coats and doing the One Thing that they do so well, but really? It’s the nurse that’s got your back. I love nurses.

Did your doctor go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?