
The more accurate analogy would be watching a stranger reading a book, watching a movie, tv show, play, sports game, comedy, not reading/watching/doing yourself.

I feel like the 21st century turned out to be such a disappointment 

Why must you continue to report on things that are—now, not only incredibly more illegal in Japan and still illegal in the US; but also—bound to be hit with legal action by one of the most litigious companies in the world?

Dreadlocks and other spiky hair are forbidden in wrestling, atleast in international arena.

You know what would have been relevant to this story?


(One of those players, NathanTheHicc, told Eurogamer that he doesn’t regret role-playing a hate crime in the game and wouldn’t apologize if given the chance. “It was just a late night of having fun and after the first encounter (seen on my channel) we felt it would be fun to offend them somehow,” he said. “You can

There’s nothing inherently wrong with a fictional character wearing sexy clothing. I don’t believe Cammy’s leotard diminishes Street Fighter or contributes to any sort of societal ill. It’s just, like, really silly! How can she be comfortable fighting in that?

“How can she be comfortable fighting in that?” Her original outfit would actually be more comfortable and easy to move in than pants. Those army pants would limit her range and movement. Why do you think that every athlete in a highly mobile sport wears next to nothing? Gymnasts, MMA fighters, wrestlers (both olympic

I don’t have a dog in this fight, but don’t gymnasts wear leotards specifically because of mobility?

I find that very counter-productive, in my country (Norway) anyone who sell and distribute electronics are obligated by law to accept recycled electronics. They are in turn reimbursed by the state for any cost they might have with it.

Please recycle your electronics responsibly :)

I can’t play “realistic” or “modern” shooters anymore. No more GTA. Especially as I treat victims of gunshot wounds in my day to day job. Even the more temporally remote and non-first person games (i.e. Red Dead, although I’m still loving that one) are inching towards being uncomfortable to play. It’s actually getting

The control response and the general feel of the game has zero to do with the engine. Those bits are actually on the easy end of what you can change game-to-game.

You know what, though?  There’s no reason they can’t just say “This is Bethesda Editor* 4!”  Much better than BE3* that we used for last gen Fallout 4!  Since the article even states that Unreal 4 has roots in the original.  If they are chaning it this much they could change the name.  Sounds like it was also a bad PR

And speaking as a programmer myself, it’s extremely industry-standard to reuse code. It’s practically a sin not to. The problems that code solves rarely change; sometimes you have to rebuild something from scratch because it’s gotten messy, but that’s usually on the scale of decades, not yearly release cycles.

Great article! I learned a few things.

Thank you. I’m so tired of a particular segment of gamers assuming that every fault in their games comes down to laziness on the part of game developers, a field of workers who are famously over-worked.

Can’t we please stop assuming that every time ALL OF THE WORK isn’t put into every single thing, that it’s immediately the pinnacle of laziness, or that we at least have to whine about how we’re just not getting all of the value that we wanted? I’m getting tired of it. Films re-use sets. Disney re-traced over old

Finland is not in Scandinavia.