
Yeah, that’ll turn out well for you. I can see it now: a bunch of limp-wristed millennials screaming an “I’m with HER!!!” battle cry as they struggle to figure out their safeties.

Wow, $150 of your own money? That must have been hard for you. Usually you socialists are only comfortable giving away other people’s money.

Who cares. They’re just kids, and it was a hundred years ago. Get over it.

Here’s why this is a problem. Over the past decade, there has been an increasingly virulent epidemic of women complaining about all sorts of issues. Some of these issues are real concerns, but more often than not, they are frivolous, unimportant matters. Nevertheless, these new wave feminists continue to complain

Anything I can do to help :D

Ok, now I read it. Sounds like you place way too much weight on things people say to you. If someone says something to me that I don’t like, I either ignore it or tell them off. Maybe you should just toughen up.


You gotta work on those reflexes.

I guess we’ll never know because she decided to be a passive victim instead of trying to do something about it. But hey, at least she gets some victimhood points with anonymous feminists on the Internet. In the Victimhood Olympics of 2016, that’s all that matters.

Just because something happened to you doesn’t mean that it’s normalized. The fact that your boyfriend encouraged you to say something shows that it is, in fact, not normal. You failed to act and then simply blamed “society.” It’s as if somebody got hit in a hit-and-run, failed to report it, and then claimed, “In our

“War crime” is merely the label that history’s winners attach to the actions taken by history’s losers. We don’t commit war crimes because we’re not losers.