But that doesn’t make Bowsette uncanon. Remember the official comic Bowsette? Bowser uses the cap not the Super Crown...
But that doesn’t make Bowsette uncanon. Remember the official comic Bowsette? Bowser uses the cap not the Super Crown...
Hercules. Nextwave. Lawyers She Hulk in the vein of Boston Legal. MF Great Lakes Avengers!
How about a comedy horror like Army of Darkness?
Please end as planned and don't pull a HxH...
Please please let this be a reality:
Puni Puni Poemi finally got her biggest break!
Peter should team up with Daryl from Thor.
Wasn’t Ward had to kill a dog too?
Please let Gurihiru take!
Didn’t Hela did something like this once in the newest season of Star Wars Rebel?
Will the Grandmaster be partying in the pad? We know how wild his parties are, Daryl needs the mop. Plus, Grandmaster will be around when Thanos comes? Hope other Elders make an appearance.
Can we consider the Blade movies and to some extent the Ghost Rider movies as catalyst to the MCU?
Finally, Tom Bombadil!
Sif. I think the casting of Sif in MCU was perfect, maybe do one about her. A She-Hulk movie would be nice, but I would have preferred Lawyer She-Hulk. Maybe she’s defending the MCU in it’s lawsuit to get movie right to X-Men again? Please?
It only needs Jojo style words shaking on screen to make it better...
that’s not bad. I thought was making a secondary acc so I let Sony make the name for me. Now it’s stuck as my main acc... T_T
I want to play this on PS Pro with a 4K tv. Does it look better?
I wished those guys who did the Madworld bits would come back...
Battlestar! Please be Battlestar! Last we heard of him was being crippled during the original Civil War.
In my head cannon, his appearance will be in the new movies. Luke will face in Jar Jar in dark robes alone. JarJar cuts his own tongue and straight up says “Me, Darth Binks!”