
No, from what we can detect so far, it's at least 100 billion galaxies times at least 100 billion stars. That's 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars with most likely at least a few planets each. Not to mention a majority of stars are red dwarfs that can live for trillions of years, stable enough to sustain life for

Unfortunately this advanced technology isn't going to help improve the stale, over roasted, over sized, syrup induced, burnt coffee and espresso by untrained baristas making your drinks.

Most people who own HDTVs have no clue how to properly calibrate their unit to ISF/NTSC standards so saying your TV looks better or worse compared to another is like saying blue is a prettier color than red.

At that speed the Star is doing some serious time traveling!

I'm sorry but you and Steve are wrong about "premium audio cables". You are making statements without doing the proper research. I worked for a very well respected, independent high-end audio/video retailer for several years and I grew up an audio and home theater hobbiest.

@123rufus: Except your $4 latte is made by a $20k super automatic machine at Starbucks that can't pull a shot worth shit and overmilked like hell by baristas that can't produce proper microfoam. They just burn the crap out of your milk.