
I have also seen Project about that many times. cheers!

"(Hillel Slovak bought me a beer when I didn't even know who he was)."

You are in for a treat. A diarrhea flavored treat

I have probably seen The Aquabats live 12-15 times

My favorite Leonard Cohen song is "Suzanne" which is track 1 of his debut, Songs of Leonard Cohen

I look good in that photo up there

[Spuds Mackenzie's agent waits patiently by the phone…]

If Tom Holland eventually confirms that Paul Ryan is a commenter on the A.V. Club that goes by "and Fred Kelly as Bunny" the internet must finally be detonated.

Whenever there is a spider in our house I always make one of my sons kill it. Yeah, that is the reason…so they can become Spider Man

I still have an Atari 2600 somewhere

I have always been fond of the word "labia"

True story- When my wife was pregnant with our first child Rob Schneider pulled her aside at the coffee shop she used to work at (he was a sometimes customer there) and gave her a lecture on vaccinations. We were already planning on an alternative vaccination schedule but nothing as tin foil hat as Schneider was

And this post is, by far, the most I have ever interacted with the Sharknado series

Guttenberg is in Sharknado 4. Synergy!!!

Finally going to be able to watch Mr. Robot Season 2. Yay!

This reads like a premature Get off my lawn!

It is partial nonsense but Martin doesn't get nearly enough credit for Pepper's. His fingerprints are all over that album.

Yeah, I feel like Paul came into the studio with the "alternate band" concept and the rest of the guys were like, "Ummm…ok." John later said besides the intro of Ringo as Billy Shears between SPLHCB and With a Little Help there is no commitment to the concept on that album.

My biggest gripe with God Only Knows is the first line. What love song starts with "I may not always love you"? But the song is incredible nonetheless.

Mt. Dewcy in the Sky With Diamonds