
You do know that Brian walking out of his house is a major achievement only made possible by an incredible amount of anti-anxiety drugs, right? He is a fraction of a shell of his former self.

Brian Wilson agrees with you.

Please. I was the middle spoon in the Epstein-Lennon tryst.

…yet. I am working on it. Having trouble casting the goat. Can't get Buscemi's people to call me back.

Plus it proudly displays all of the lyrics on the back cover, which was unprecedented for pop/rock music in '67.

His portrayal of the mania of Wilson during the Pet Sounds sessions was incredible. I felt like I was watching archival footage.

Good point but I actually think that is part of the brilliance of it. It is Brian Wilson's manic mind spilled out through other people's performances. The Pet Sounds sessions scenes from Love and Mercy were the best part of that movie because we got to see this play out.

Hah! I just put on Sgt. Pepper's two nights ago and said to my family "This album is 50 years old!" as if my kids would be impressed with that and my wife chimes in from the other room "you can tell by the lyrics" and I knew right away she was talking about the "I used to be cruel to my woman, I beat her and kept her


I got your back here. Fixing a Hole is great. You know who else likes Fixing a Hole? Bob Saget. It is his favorite Beatles song. I have no idea why I know that.

Well Brian just wrote and recorded most of it while Mike was out on tour.

Sgt. Pepper's by a hair. Love them both. I think Pepper's is more important as an album than it is enjoyable but in the end they are both classics. The interplay/rivalry between these two bands has always fascinated me.

Well it's not like I just sit around chewing my own cud

Way to go Alien! A good pun never gets pasteurize

Umm, I'm looking for something that says "dad likes leather."

I love a pun thread but I'm not even sure I can pull the trigger on one having to do with gun violence.

Reminds me of one of my favorite Nathan For You bits. He sourced movers as an exercise program and actually got them to pay for the "privilege" of being a mover. Whatever happened to that show? I loved it.

Are you sure? I create a Gravity Falls with every one of my full releases.

Oooh, sounds delicious!

"a show"