
He’s a slow moving train wreck, someone who comes across as having a mental illness, but is enabled by an extremely successful family and Scientology.

Assuming he is mentally ill, how long before he reaches a point where he literally cannot function, even with all the enabling?

That’s not eccentricity. That’s what ignorance looks like in those who live surrounded by sycophants.

Young man is pretentious, self-absorbed, and thinks he knows everything. Shocking.

Because he was not just dating a supermodel. He was doing it as alternate universe negative-image Batman. He does not just tweet cringe-y attempts to stay relevant like, say, Zach Braff. He tweets incomprehensibly weird stuff.

Because he is a reminder that Jada should have swallowed?

Clickbait, is all. Same with ‘techno-prophet Will-I-am, The Kardashians and on and on... just hit that right note of nutcaseness and I’m sure the media will be all over you like a rash.

You and I don’t have people writing articles about us, hence Waclark’s point: Why do people give a shit about this kid?

Because he makes for great clickbait.

Thank god for the uncensored patch

So when someone can’t control themselves and goes on to gamble then loses its clearly the companies fault right? Last time I checked the game was rated mature as well. Gotta love how people love pushing the blame on companies for their lack of personal responsibility. Reminds me of when McDonalds was sued for making

I avoided One Punch Man like the fucking PLAGUE. It was SO hyped in such a short span of time, and seemed like it would be so stupid... Then I watched it on Hulu or something, because I was bored, and now...I NEED MOAR. other sports with betting scandals.....not a one.

Because match fixing doesn't happen in actual, 'serious', sports right?