Oversight ranking member Jim Jordan
Oversight ranking member Jim Jordan
Trump hates America and will sell us out to any country to save his worthless hide. What other, dirtier secrets do republican apparatchiks like the shifty Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes and Lindsey Graham have hanging over their heads to keep selling us out too?
Yeah, it’s moving so quickly they can’t get ahead of it, which I think is part of why it’s “sticking” a little better than his other shit.
the way this story is developing is interesting because the right can’t figure out an angle to take that doesn’t involve Trump immediately contradicting them
I assume someone in the Sackler clan is available.
I feel like zombies have kinda reached that point in general.
Just sent $50 more to Warren. Hell, yes. This is the best revelation ever: Elizabeth Warren fucks. You are damn straight it fucking slaps.
Pictured: The stupidest fucking people in US Amercia
Remember, this is a party that has for nearly a decade, tried to destroy Obamacare because Obama created it, not because it was awful (it isnt great though). They dont want to replace it with anything. They just want it gone because they didnt create it.
It is almost impressive how he exists in a world of absolute non-truths. It’s not enough for him to lie, he has to say the absolute opposite of the truth. Trump is a walking, talking negation symbol.
And they will believe him because, as per usual, boomers are in an absolute hurry to prove that they’re by-and-large sub-sentient. Blame it on the lead poisoning, I guess.
This fucking guy..
She’ll be out in 5 doing speaking tours with Betty Shelby. Just another fucking day in America.
As someone whose mother was a Holocaust survivor who lost 11 members of her immediate family — and never forgave or forgot for one second — my feeling is that only the actual victims have the right to forgive. And they can’t, because they were murdered. Nobody has the right to forgive on their behalf.
This explains the judge:
Black people are seriously fucked up in head with this Christianity, quick to forgive your oppressor bullshit, need to study how the Jewish people felt about those that wronged them, they were still hunting them motherfuckers 60 years later, Never forgive Never forget....sounds about right to me.
Ten years is way too lenient for the crime she was convicted of. Twenty years was what I was hoping for. I hope each day feels longer than the last for her.