...are you not familiar with a Chicago Dog?
...are you not familiar with a Chicago Dog?
No joke. BUT! At least it will be some fresh(ish) faces. As much as I love the older casts, these folks might be a breath of fresh air... maybe.
I hope you choke on that jingoistic bullshit.
Nah. Shush you.
No bias there or anything.
How fantastically myopic.
lol nah
Warren did a solid job. She stood out among the field, for sure. Otherwise, you nailed it.
I’d say shut up tomato, but you are still grey.
It isn’t about logic, it is about that sweet, sweet tobacco money.
I read Stuart Varney, but pictured Jim Varney in my head. Had a nice chuckle.
It has so many layers.
You’re dumb. Shush.
lol Nah
I can’t wait to see her demolish Biden.
Quality take.