
*looks at his playtime on Bloodborne*

Same. And a lot of the rest of her pitch wasn’t awful.

We have one. Being an honest, real liberal. Our social programs are popular in red states. We lose on some social issues, but the reality is people want what we have to offer. Sadly, we can’t market these ideas when our own leadership slits our throats for us.

Hemorrhaging power, but not money. That is the kicker. They have no incentive to win and every incentive to lose, because funding doesn’t stop, their jobs don’t go away, and when you are the underdog like that you don’t have to produce results.

Big oof. That accuracy hurts.


Is it really a big reach? People have been eating portabello “steaks” for ages now.

This is sadly accurate. There is literally a DQ in every. single. fucking. town.

That is a tragically low bar.

Only an absolute psychopath would drink cold brew hot.

And the GOP idiots would still vote for him.

Wow. Just wow. You expect absolute perfection from entirely fallible people.

I lived in NC for ~20 years. I know the politics. I lived it.

Jurassic Park was fantastic. Def should have been on here.

Why is this a RE game? Just make it its own thing. The need to slap established franchise names on stuff is ridiculous. Make a good game and try to sell it on its own merits.

It is in the name. Cold brew.

Gotta ease into it man. Start with this and then start adding Frangelico to it until you are good to go.


Kill yourself.
