
You think that, but when the establishment-biased media keeps pushing him as the best solution, you’ll get real sick of him. 

Can’t wait to see how Pelosi wiggles out of impeachment after this. 

...are you dumb? He can’t indict a sitting President and deferred the responsibility to Congress, which is their job. He isn’t a “pussy”, he is doing his job within the confines of policy. 

Well be ready for a lukewarm bullshit response from Chuck & Nancy about it. Because they have proven to be absolute cowards. 

Don’t get them hopes up too high. The Dems will want to put everything behind them and move on towards unity and all that horseshit. 

Nah. While I am not a fan of the Olds myself, Warren is a fantastic candidate and I hope she mops the floor with Biden at the debates. 

Sadly the correct take.

Don’t ask me. I found it online. Having looked it up again, I am sad I didn’t pick one with those in it.

This was kinda the truth for most of Godzilla’s history, but there have been some solid ones that focus on humans. Shin Godzilla was outstanding. 

JJ makes literally everything better.

Pack. The. Court.

That seems logically backwards. When for time makes more sense.

...I think this might be it. Or at least semi-related. I think it will be pretzel adjacent, at the very least. 

Exactly how they want it. The truly insightful languish in the greys, where they can’t threaten the ego of the writers. 

I try every now and again... always disappointed.

Is it bad that I will likely be doing invasions in DS3 and BB? Like... how are those games still active and so fun after 3-4 years?!

RIP Lion