
God damn I love slab pies. And starter pie is great. I was already doing this with my partner when we went out to some local joints here that have pies up on the counter (especially when we do brunch) and we eat it while we wait for our food to arrive. It is the best perk about being an adult. I can eat dessert

Uh-huh. Clearly I am bitter for not wanting a racist, idiotic conman in the White House grifting the people and ruining our nation. lmao

If you want to call what falls out of that ghoul’s mouth “talk”, sure.

Nope. It was not at all. At least try to pretend you care about facts. 

Oh look, guy doesn’t know how projection works either. Shocker.

Quality projection there! I truly hope whatever mental health ward you wind up in after you inevitably try to send mail bombs to George Soros treats you well, you fucking nut. 

I think Bolton wants to flood the area with our military and force an accident they can paint as an attack.

You are delusional. I hope someone commits your crazy ass - for everyone’s safety.

Are you saying a stranger on the internet would lie?!

The Mueller Investigation didn’t spawn from the dossier. Some of that dossier has been corroborated though, but it was barely mentioned in the Mueller report and is generally not taken seriously by the investigating parties (duh).

Dude, collusion is not a crime. And the report clearly showed Russian involvement. In that, it showed obstruction by Trump.

The Steele Dossier doesn’t factor in, dude. The Mueller Report was about Russian interference. Look up Crossfire Hurricane and realize the amount of evidence that existed to trigger the investigation was far beyond just the dossier. The Right’s obsession with it is laughable.  

I wonder what the inevitable Tonkin-style false flag justification will be to propel us into this next disastrous war.

Dude, the Left hasn’t been throwing a temper tantrum because Clinton “lost”. They have rightfully pointed out major flaws in our system - both the EC which skews the electorate’s power and in that Russia interfered and helped get Trump elected. Legitimate concerns on both fronts.

I mean, it didn’t get me back, but I applaud the work they did. Love me some goddamn Gundam.

Nah. It does not matter. At all. And the Right whines about how the Left allegedly can’t let go of 2016, yet here we are discussing the Steele Dossier like it remotely matters. Jesus Christ. 

One day I would like to eat Arby’s and not get violently ill from their food.

Long story short: You had Arby’s. 

It was surprisingly ok. Which for Arby’s is a huge accomplishment.