
They are a pretty legit military power in the world. Nothing about it would be small. They have a large standing army, modern-ish weapons, an air force, navy, ballistic missiles, drones, etc. Not sure we have fought a war like that in a long while (Korea after Chinese intervention maybe?). 

Yeah, this is not a war we should fight. Iran has a real army and a big sponsor. It would put our recent jaunts to shame in scale of loss.

This single act alone isn’t a big deal, sure, but it is allllllllllll the other shit on top of it that makes this something to take note of.

A Tweet for every occasion.

Isn’t she from Maryland? That is Southern. She totally has a pass. 

She didn’t destroy him with a “Bless his heart” though. 

I don’t, but the visual sticks out to me (-bama). Not that when I lived in the South I didn’t hear people routinely do just that.

Yeah, there are articles on it here and elsewhere. Go read and post on those. This is not about that. 

Yeah, but this wouldn’t just be holding your nose to vote. I’d need a fucking full fucking hazmat suit to vote for this turd. 

Well that became inevitable the minute Biden actually committed. 

Sounds too much like a weird Obama dig. How about “Saudi Alabama?”

And then Chuck would promptly hand over another few billion to Trump for his wall to celebrate. 

Well if you don’t care I won’t trouble you. 

Yeah, that was a major bust. Hopefully, something that can be rectified though I have no idea how or when. Still, retaking the Senate and WH will be a big deal even if she is in our way.

Yes, because this is the time to be a pedant. 

I’ve actually read it cover-to-cover, because it is always good to know your enemy. I guarantee you’ve read it less. Because if there is one constant among Evangelicals, it is their ignorance of their own religion. But whatever, honestly you are tedious. Your replies are like a shitty bot which is pretty on-point for

Nah, that is ridiculous! Here is the real ending:

Something something Be Best

Proving quite well that you’ve never read the Bible. Good job!