
Damn you are in a mood today. Are you usually this much of a downer? I mean... I get it. This news has been staggering. But we got to at least try to keep an eye on the prize. If we can snag the Senate in 2020 and the White House, maybe we can undo at least some of this fucking damage.

Wow, sick burn. Please kill yourself. 

Here is a lovely preview of their “most sought-after food innovation” at this hotel:

Well they said it in 2018 and that was the reality - we now have the House. I don’t think Trump and the GOP will fuck up less in the interim.

You have one major thing in common with that person from Alabama. You are a fellow citizen. Their laws impact you, while Poland’s won’t. And what sort of weird logic is that shit? The people you would fly to NY wouldn’t be the ones who made the laws. They won’t win in the long haul if we fight against these assholes

Now that is quality projection!

You are American, yes? Well this is your country, bud. You should show some fucking empathy for your fellow citizens who will suffer due to this horrific trend. We aren’t a nation of states. We have never really been. Even still, you should care about human life here and everywhere else - but here you can at least do

A reference they wouldn’t understand, sadly. 

This is an absolute fucking shit take. You should be ashamed of yourself. 

“Losing traction fast”? Right yes, I forgot about the GOP keeping the House in 2018. Uh-huh.


Wow. So absolutely disconnected with reality. In a sane world, you would be institutionalized. I really hope you get to meet your maker ASAP, because knowing you can vote in the US is horrifying. 

I think if anything gets the Democrats out, it’ll be this. 

You don’t think this will fire up the base...? We aren’t going to be able to stop it, because the GOP has gamed our shitty system to be in power in these states (and of course are voted in by idiots). I think that is literally the only good that comes from this is maybe the blue wave grows a bit stronger and we can

Nah. My side is the one of actual compassion for the living. You are confusing a mass of cells for life, which isn’t a shock because you are clearly a fundy nutjob.

The American public really can’t hold them accountable even if they wanted to. The oligarchs that run the US are untouchable. 

I found the time traveler, folks. At least reassure us it doesn’t end in nuclear war!

- Everyone since 9/11

Is it weird? Because they are all currently run by hardline right-wing fundamentalists. And hey, it is the literal Abrahamic sampler platter too!