
1) Sure. 

Aw, you got nothing do you hun? Kool Aid? How fresh!!

Dude, it isn’t 1972. It will be 2020 when this shit gets rolling and what you think is “far left liberal” isn’t. Times change! A good chunk of what progressives believe is generally popular or has enough support to be viable.

As a VP, name three accomplishments he had.

The cow farts was a joke in the FAQ. And those “unwilling to work” was very specific with who it applied to (as was clarified afterwards). Plus, the GND was meant to spark a conversation and was in no way a bill or direct proposal for legislation. Instead, the idiot Republicans just pretend it is a bill and argue

Biden is selling the right wing to the center and calling himself a Democrat. Hard pass.

Nah, needs a bigger beer belly. 

Oh oh! Found the bitter, self-righteous Boomer!

Right? “Don’t scrap with Joe Biden”?

Unless they are big Mad Max fans, I guess? 

The “far left” didn’t sink any candidate. The EC fucked us. Clinton’s poor campaigning fucked us. But it wasn’t the fault of the “far left”.

Exactly what is “stupid” about the first draft? Show your work.

Awful debate tactic, sure. But good for a soundbite on the news? Yup. No one will check him, so he can just go about his business.

Same. We need something better. 

Prepare for him to get constant positive attention from the media, while the real progressives get shit. He is what the corporatists want, so he is what we will likely get. 

I disagree. Just being anti-Trump isn’t enough. Especially for Biden.

Nah. Fuck Fox viewers. They are too far gone now in our hyper-tribal nation. She can focus on winning independents and unaffiliated voters who do not watch Fox. This is a solid choice for all the reasons she said. 

Hostile crowd? You mean the crowd that clapped for Bernie?

Right? Glad to see Warren has principles and sticks to them. 

Shut the fuck up.