100% this
100% this
Sadly, if they do remember, it is likely for the Pocahontas shit too. Which is annoying, because she has the best policy ideas of the bunch.
She will when the Primaries actually kick off and she starts getting on stage with solid plans... hopefully. Though god knows the media will be sucking Biden’s dick relentlessly until he gaffs one too many times.
This? Not her brilliant tax on the ultra rich? Because that had me in her camp immediately. No one else has the solutions she does.
Same. She has really proven to be a solid candidate... that no one seems to acknowledge. Hopefully, when polls start mattering, her numbers will be higher. She is, to me, the best of the bunch right now.
Uh-huh. Sure they are! Proof? None? Shocker.
Only Democrats could lose with a supermajority.
Seriously. They have a supermajority and still managed to fuck up.
We wish it was going to be so quick and easy. I am glad I will die before the Water Wars get too nasty. Poor Zoomers are fuuuuuuuucked.
Poop mass driver.
It is what politicians do.
The amusing part is you judging anyone for intelligence when you are the one who rejects science and believes in fairy tales. Poor thing.
The minute Bolton got involved in this administration I was counting down the days until we provoked Iran or straight up Iraq’d our way into a war with them.
It won’t go well.
What shocks me most is that this isn’t a daily occurrence in NC, where guns probably outnumber people six-to-one thanks to the horrifying mix of white trash / rednecks and a huge military presence.
Post-Trump America, where Onion headlines are indistinguishable from mainstream media headlines.
Nah. What Oliver said was pretty on point and accurate, but you definitely wouldn’t accept that because it doesn’t seem to suit your position. And Nye was clearly going for dramatic effect because hey, this is a comedy show, not a dedicated news show. Context matters and all that.
Oh look, an idiot.
He had one request!