
While I appreciate the sentiment, probably could not use that appropriated/racist term. I am currently a fan of “secret beast” (from Making It).

Uh-huh. Sure sounds a lot more like you can’t actually post even a single real link to back your argument up.

All I can think of is Harvey Birdman’s take on it.

Still no evidence provided. Shocker. 

Burden of proof is on your since you are the one spouting bullshit. Not like you have a single piece of evidence to provide or you would have immediately. 

Wah wah wah. Zero substance again. 

Truly this is the future we deserve. 

Fair enough.

Goddamn this is quality Kinja.



Something something Bill Clinton is a sexual predator?

The entire world. Because for most of the world, the left is actually left, while ours is basically center-right (or right) by comparison.

Hun, I bet I know more about the Bible than you ever will. But yeah, sure, any excuse you need to give yourself for not backing up your bullshit. It is clear as crystal to everyone who reads this shit that you are an uneducated faux-Christian fool.

They always had hubris and audacity, though I think the brazenness was less apparent because there was no internet, but I think it was there among the upper echelons.

Yeah, I stand by that. What do you have to lose?! You’d go to “heaven” right? Worth it. Win-win for everyone.

I mean... this isn’t new. This is the real American Dream - rich white men getting to do untold villainy with zero consequences. 

North Carolina backroads while slightly toasted

Huh. So they are still ok with abortions, provided there is just the right circumstances. So these folks are pro-abortion.

It has been going on longer than Devos. This is a long, long time trend.