Nuno Cardoso

The guy is former prime minister Felipe Gonzales of Spain, meeting with former prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland of Norway (halfway visible on the right).

Now playing

These same techniques may not work on a Volvo…

They should have stopped at 42 crystals. They were so close to perfection.

Fuck you common sense! I am searching Craigslist right this moment.

GEE-SUS! That is so fucking horrible. I don't want to touch any of the cars on that lot in fear of contracting chlamydia.

Really? I'm a liberal atheist from New York, and I thought that commercial was great. It's like a neat twist on an old Norse creation myth or something. Just like any actual Bible story or Greek myth, it's not true - it's just a nice story. How literalist Christian nuts take it is up to them.

Now playing

Not only shitty music but retarded commercial in general.

Spiders are nature's assholes.

Turbo Tomy Dashboard


My car is better then your car.

Probably Snell approved.
