curt shilling's ghost

Is missouri even trying to be good at basketball anymore? The successive hires of Frank Haith and Kim Anderson has to be the worst in college basketball history. Dude’s working on his third straight 20 loss season. ugh.

This shit is more boring than going to an actual high school reunion. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

obviously there’s no racism in soccer. Obama is the president of America, not the president of soccer.

I got the stories and pictures confused- just glad to realize that’s nacho cheese on dude’s face rather than Armenian elbow fluid.

The best thing about this is that it’s a big “fuck you” to the racists who say “black people don’t care about black people getting shot” and “black people don’t care about the police.”

First death since 1985? Wow, The Bulls have a worse record than the Washington Generals.

I’m going to be honest. I’m fairly drunk and only skimmed this.

Guns don’t kill people, duffel bags kill people.

If they hadn’t just gotten out of wrecked cars, I would’ve been 100% sure this was one of those drunk Russian fight videos.

I’m a 36 year old White professor and I love Steph’s new shoes. Thinking about ordering a pair for casual fridays.