
Does it come with a chocolate hex key?

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Yep, I was afraid of this. He got hit by Cupid’s Alero.

Hmm. I see “Mythbusters” and “hosts” but I don’t see “Adam Savage” or “Jamie Hyneman”, so there’s clearly been some sort of mistake. Please fix this mistake. Thank you.

...does that mean he’s not coming on then?

He needs to carry stuff, and he needs to look slow, but be fast, and have a manual? I know just the thing...

Smart Fortwo obviously

Wow, well done Audi/VAG.

The Escala is used in ads to help drive traffic to the dealer. It’s called the Cadillac Escala aid.

The breakfast staple of New Jersey the Taylor ham (pork roll), egg and cheese sandwich

Weird, different, city car, quick and fun... 500 Abarth

Not that impressive. This kid’s not deaf, dumb, or blind.

Welcome to Trump’s America, where even the black guy who’s successful is White.

Wrong way. The horse keeps hitting humans.

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.


He’ll be right up there with Clebold and Harris as one of the greatest shooters in Columbine history.

You ever get punched by a fatigued midget? Its like that!