My dear, sweet brother Numsie!

Ahh, the 50 Cent Defense.

I’d want him to rhyme the whole time.


Air Canada. I rilly hate to ball on y’all.

I’d totally bone him on a ping pong table.

He looks very... different.

Iceberg Simpson!

*LADY* shotgun gifs.

Good luck Darren, ya fuckin goof.

Seconded on not eating. Take the domes on a drive!

Frankly I’m more concerned that a strange woman is lurking behind me with a bunch of old timey condoms and what appears to be a urine sample.

and lift his comments to the top of the thread.

Banjo Skank was here ‘15. All hail the Crimson King.

They sleep around and then try to secure their financials by ensnaring a high earning athlete/alpha.

Looks like money isn’t the only thing that broad has been squirreling away. Does she coach the girls from a La-Z-Boy recliner or something?