Her report showed that DNA from two non-Kane men had recently been deposited inside her. Maybe one of those guys was the real “rapist”?
I can’t tell if this is satire or trolling....
That sounds racist.
So you’re just LaBeouffing us? I like it.
You’ll be the top comment all day, son. There’s no way the rage farmers won’t be gnashing their little teeth all over this.
Well, he is in pole position, comment-wise.
It’s a line from a movie called Lawless. Almost all his weird tweets are lines from movies.
Can you imagine if he cheated and then told her “shut up about your feels or else?” Yeah, but no.
There’s a whole series of clips! She’s adorable!
It’s “crumpet” not crimp it.
I always called her bras padded mixing bowls.
With that hair? Noooooo. That’s Alberta Premium, son.
I love that she went with a dude costume. She nailed it.
Courtney Stodden wins for Most Surprising Costume.
Dear this girl’s new boyfriend,
It sounds more like you’re trying to find something to bitch about.